(506) 424-7191


Most of his background has been gained in Eastern Canada with International experience obtained in the U.S., Africa, India, the Republic of Seychelles, and Haiti. Most recently Patrick has been conducting investigations concerning: automotive recycling, agricultural (cranberry) development of peat bogs and upland sites, hydrogeological analysis in Haiti, petroleum soil contamination,  research on industrial waste recycling, municipal water resources, and industrial environmental monitoring. He was also a regular instructor of Environmental Technology Courses at the New Brunswick Community College - Miramichi.

Patrick is the past Chairman of the Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee (MREAC), a present member and a past regional geoscience representative for the NE Branch of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick, a past Board Member of the New Brunswick Environmental Industry Association and was a Steering Committee member of the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communications.

Pat mcmahon B.Sc., M.Ad.Ed., P. Geo.

Hydrogeologist / Hydrologist / Env. Analyst

Patrick McMahon is an environmentalist / hydrogeologist / environmental educator who obtained his B.Sc., with a Geology Major, from Dalhousie University.  A Bachelor of Design in Environmental Planning is near completion, and he has completed the requirements of a Master of Adult Education Degree through St. Francis Xavier University, focusing on International Environmental Education. In addition he has completed a number of related continuing educational courses.

Patrick has over twenty-five years of diversified professional experience in the fields of hydrogeology, environmental studies and audits, geotechnical investigations, and environmental education. His background has included work for: industry, governmental agencies, consulting companies, research organizations, and educational institutions. Projects have included: the development and initiation of water quality assessment and monitoring systems, industrial / commercial environmental site assessments and audits, contaminant remediation, groundwater and surface water supply evaluation,  hydrological analysis, drilling program supervision, and petroleum and mineral exploration.

Environmental Resources Inc.
